All our soaps are made from simple, natural ingredients without any harsh chemicals, additives or preservatives. Click here to read more in-depth about our ingredients.
On top of smelling of all the pleasant scents that nature has to offer, you will also have peace of mind that all of our scents are formulated with 100% essential oils or phthalate/paraben free Fragrance Oils. No synthetic dyes or additives. Just 100% of what you love, natural from NATURE.
Utilizing the best oils on the market place - Whether it is the oil from pressed olives, coconuts, palm trees or castor seeds, everything comes from the creator just as He intended. All our soaps are made from high quality oils. We only use Palm oil that is certified - sustainable. We don't add anything artificial or fabricated by men. This ensures that all by products return back to the earth without any adverse impacts.​
Made from 100% Essential Oils
or Phthalate/Paraben
Free Fragrance Oil
Many of our scent recipes are formulated using 100% essential oils - Essential oils are extracted from plant materials through removal methods that are suited to the specific plant part containing the oils. All our essential oils are 100% pure high-grade oils made from the finest quality material.
Any Fragrance oils used are high quality and responsibly made without phthalate or parabens.
100% RecycledPackacing
We know God has given us stewardship responsibility over creation. That is why we want to be a company that honors the environment and protects life within it.
Our packaging is made from 100% recycled material and is also recyclable.
Handcrafted Aged Soap
All of our soaps are made using traditional cold process which helps to retain the glycerin and nutrients in every bar.
The longer cold process soap ages, the harder the bar gets. Here at Revival Soaps, we age all our soap to appropriate time so that you enjoy a hard bar of soap.